
  You have a problem.  The MicroVAX 3800 isn't supported in OpenVMS (VAX/VMS) 
until version V5.1-1.  You can't run it with any older versions.  It just won't 
work.  The problem is that DEC introduced the PAK license with V5.0 and unless 
you have some non-expiring VAX VMS PAK's, there is no legal[1] way for you to 
run it.  VSI has a Hobbyist (Community License Program) program but their PAKs 
only work on VSI released versions of OpenVMS and they have only done Alpha, 
Integrity and now, x86.  No VAX. Not now, not ever (according to several VSI 

  What you can do is use SimH and emulate older VAXen such as the venerable 
11/780 or 86xx up to the VAXstation 3200/3500 or 3500/3600 (I forget what all 
is available in SIMH) and use VAX/VMS up to V4.7.


John H. Reinhardt

On 8/20/2023 3:18 PM, devin davison via cctalk wrote:
Hello All,

I am working to get my two microvax systems working, I have a couple of
microvax 3800 systems.

While I am waiting to get the real hardware going, I would like to set up
simh with vms to use for testing.

I don't really need the latest version of vms, any old version with tcp/ip
would work. I do have about 16 dumb terminals i want to run as a lab and
connect to the vax.

Can anyone provide guidance on this matter for setting up and install of
VMS in sinh? I realize that there was the openvms hobbyist program, but i
may want to grab an older version of the os if it will run smoother on the
older hardware.

Open to suggestions, I hope to post back with some pictures once the real
vax 3800 hardware is running.


Devin D.

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