Reminds me of the "PDP-11 trivia contest" that was held at DECUS, I think on 
the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the PDP-11.  If so that would have been 
2000.  I still have the poster that went with it somewhere.  And I remember the 
question I contributed: "On what model and under what circumstances will the PC 
increment by 1?"


> On Sep 6, 2023, at 12:36 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk <> 
> wrote:
> Do you understand "Stop this RIM RAM or I will DEC you"?
> Do you know what PDP is an acronym for?
> Do you think in PDP-11 Assembler.
> Do you know the difference between OS/8 and RTS/8.
> Is EMACS your friend?
> Can you discuss the advantages of Tops 10 over Tops 20.
> Have you ever programmed a DEC 18 bit machine?
> Does VAX have nothing to do with vacuum cleaners?
> If you can answer yes to any of these I am hosting a "DECnut" pizza party, at 
> my house, Saturday, September 9th at 7PM with pizza to be delivered sometime 
> after that.
> If you are interested please stop by my table (first 2 tables to the left of 
> the door in the "big iron" room).  Look for the PDP-8/E with an RX02 attached.
> Please feel free to pass this email on to any DEC fan.
> Thanks,
>              Mike

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