Hi everyone,  

I've been restoring a couple of Tektronix 4404 here in the UK.  (68010, 2M RAM 
/ 8MB virtual, 1024x1024 display,  C & Smalltalk-80,  runs on Uniflex)

Having got past the physical restoration and using David Gesswein MFM board in 
place of the Micropolis HD,  I've been diving into writing software.
Its been a fun  - if sometimes frustrating - project.  There are no docs beyond 
some vanilla CRT + (incorrect) graphics calls.
In particular nothing on the network stack..

(Figured out executable file format) and wrote a Uniflex to ELF file format 
converter so I can load stuff into Ghidra to analyze.  
Code here:  https://github.com/Elektraglide/tek4404 

I've managed to write a DHCP client and telnetd and port uemacs and have a 
(kinda) working window system written from scratch in C. 
Pic here: 

All the networking seems to revolve around calls to ldiddle() and wdiddle()  
(no kidding!)  These read and write kernel values in the absence of ioctl()

Anyone here recall Network Research Consultant's  network stack?
There appears to be no way of making a broadcast socket.  

And of course I would love to hear from anyone who also has a Tektronix 4404

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