> On Dec 24, 2023, at 9:23 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> I am back to playing with RSTS/E 10.1 again and have a couple questions
> if there is still anyone around with experience.
> First:  Is there a way to change the allowed length for passwords?

The minimum length defaults to 6; the max is 6 for passwords that can be looked 
up (not hashed) and 14 otherwise.  The max is fixed.  You can change the min by 
patching module OVR, address ..MPWD to the value you want.

> Second:  Is there a way to make login take the assigned name rather than
> the x,x format for logins?  I seem to remember using a system once that
> did but I have no idea if it was legit or a local hack.  Although I have
> no problem using local hacks.  :-)

No.  There was a "named accounts" A/D project in the V8.0 era, and fragments of 
that may have made it out the door in that version.  It worked reasonably well 
in the development systems at the time, as I recall.  But it was never 
finished.  If any of it remained in the code, that was all removed by V9.  
Interestingly enough, it certainly could have been done in V9 more easily than 
in V8, given the new file structure, but none of that was ever undertaken that 
I know of.

FYA, another incomplete piece of work (this one in V9.0) was "installed files". 
 Those were files left permanently open, so you could access them without a 
directory search.  That wasn't all that interesting, but a variant of that 
operation would install the file with an associated privilege mask.  The idea 
was for "privileged programs" to be selectively privileged, just as account are 
in V9 and later.  I got that working but we never did the followup work needed 
to sort out exactly what privs each privileged program actually needs, so the 
old approach (all or nothing) continued to be in use.

> Need to get a system going and maybe even join HECNET.
> I really wish there was TCP/IP for RSTS.

I found one for V8.0, described as by "Stacken, Royal Institute Of Technology, 
Stockholm, Sweden".   I haven't tried to use it.  A logical approach would be 
to update it for V10.1 and hook it to the standard Ethernet drivers in that 
release.  The original comes with a DELUA driver, and a document describing it 
-- in Swedish.  It's clearly not the same API as the Ethernet drivers in RSTS, 
which have an extended set of "I/O service" function codes for use by kernel 
components like DECnet or LAT.  So, minimally,  porting that code would involve 
updating it to that API.

I forgot where I found this code.  Johnny, do you know about it?


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