At 10:46 PM 6/27/2024, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote: >THAT's a tough one, and it is likely to go up or down, as things develop. And >in fact, it might be necessary to have that be a function of how difficult it >will be to move the stuff. >Most inheritors, and even owners, of collections would probably be willing to >accept fairly substantial commission percentages. There will probably even be >more than a few who will effectively say, "I don't care! If you remove ALL of >it, we'lll be happy!"
When I had to quickly move/disburse my office warehouse cache two years ago, I had a trusted friend who was interested in reselling. I offered him a 50/50 split. I let him take (almost) whatever he wanted. He took maybe three minivans worth. I'm still quite content with the terms of that deal, as well as what he's paid me. I still have roughly 1,200 square feet of stuff to deal with. - John