I think Windows 2000 is NT-based.

Dave Wise
From: Fred Cisin via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 5:21 PM
To: Murray McCullough via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Cc: Fred Cisin <ci...@xenosoft.com>
Subject: [cctalk] Re: MS-DOS

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024, Murray McCullough via cctalk wrote:
> I had not realized that 43 yrs. ago Microsoft purchased 86-DOS for $50,000
> – US not Cdn. money. With this purchase the PC industry, IBM’s version
> thereof, began. I remember using it to do amazing things, moreso than what
> 8-bit machines could do!

Ah, but there is so much more to the story, which deserves an entire
chapter in the history.

More than you wanted to know? :  (but even more details available if you really 
want them)

Tim Paterson, of Seattle Computer Products was developing 8086 hardware,
but CP/M-86 was delayed.  So, he wrote a temporary place-holder to use
instead of CP/M-86 until CP/M-86 became available.  That was called
"QDOS", "Quick and Dirty Operating System".  Later it became known as
"SCP-DOS" and/or "86-DOS"

Then came the "culture clash" between IBM and Digital Research
(previously known as "Intergalctic digital Research").  That has been
documented elsewhere; some claim that there was not a culture clash, nor
an error.

So, Microsoft (possibly Bill Gates personally) went down the street to
Seattle Computer Products, and bought an unlimited license for 86-DOS
"that we can sell to our [un-named] client"

Tim Paterson, who later opened "Falcon Technologies" and Seattle Computer
Products both also retained licenes to be able to sell "the
operating system".  Note that the version was not specified, as to whether
such license would include rights to sell updated versions; that error
(failure to specify whether future/derivative products were included) has
been repeated elsewhere (cf. Apple/Microsoft)

Microsoft also hired Tim Paterson to maintain and update "MS-DOS".

Microsoft sold a license to IBM, where it became PC-DOS.
And, it was available through Lifeboat as "86-DOS"

In August 1981, when the PC (5150) was released, IBM started selling
PC-DOS.  But digital Research was not happy with IBM selling a copy of
their operating system.
In those days, selling a copy was legal, if the internal code was not
copied.  (hence the development of "clean-room reverse engineering")
It wasn't until the Lotus/Paperback Software (Adam Osborne)
lawsuit that "look and feel" became copyrightable.

So, IBM agreed to also sell CP/M-86 IN ADDITION to selling PC-DOS.
. . . and sold UCSD P-System.

But CP/M-86 was STILL not ready, so everybody bought PC-DOS, many of whom
planned to switch to CP/M-86 when it became available.
But, when CP/M-86 was finally ready, the price was $240 vs $40 for PC-DOS.
There are arguments about whether IBM or Digital Research set that price.
Although, if that price was IBM's idea, then why did Digital Research
charge $240 for copies sold through other sources (such as Lifeboat)?

Initially MS-DOS and PC-DOS differed only in name and trivial items, such
as "IO.SYS" and "MSDOS.SYS" being renamed "IBMBIO.COM" and "IBMDOS.COM"
When changes were made, Microsoft's and IBM's version numbers were
Thus 1.00 was the same for both
IBM released PC-DOS 1.10, and Microsoft released MS-DOS 1.25
2.00 was the same for both
2.10 VS 2.11 (IBM needed trivial changes to 2.00 to deal with the
excessively slow Qumetrak 142 disk drives in the PC-Junior and "portable"
3.00 was the same
3.10,   adding network support and the "network redirector for CD-ROMs
3.20 VS 3.21, adding "720K" 3.5" drive support
3.30 VS 3.31,  BUT 3.31 was the first to support larger than 32Mebibyte drives!
4.00 and 4.01  IBM/Microsoft did not provide third party vendors enough
advanced warning, so Norton Utilities, etc. did not work on 4.00 (NOT
4.00 did not work with Norton Utilities!)
In 6.00 each company bundled a whole bunch of third party stuff (such as
disk compression) and each got them from different sources.
When Microsoft's disk compression was blamed for serious problems caused
by SMARTDRV, Microsoft released 6.20 (repaired and reliability improved
from 6.00).
Then 6.21 and 6.22 as a result of Microsoft's legal case with Stac

Please note that MS-DOS/PC-DOS ALWAYS had a version number, a period, and
then a TWO DIGIT DECIMAL sub-version number.  THAT is what is stored
internally.  Thus, 1.10 is stored as ONE.TEN (01h.0Ah), 3.31 is actually
THREE.Thirty-ONE (03h.1Fh), etc.
If there had ever actually been a "1.1" or "3.2", those would have been
01h.01h (1.01) and 03h.02h (3.02), etc.
"1.1" was NOT the same as "1.10", nor "3.2" the same as "3.20", otherwise
VERY minor changes would be confused with serious changes, as happened
when some people called 4.01 "four point one".

Later still, Seattle Computer Products was on the rocks.  There was some
speculation that AT&T might buy it, to get the DOS license (and not have
to pay royalties per copy!).  After some legal animosity, Microsoft did
the right and smart thing, and bought Seattle Computer Products, thus
closing that vulnerability.

Windows originally started as an add-on command processor and user
interface on top of DOS.  Windows95 made that invisibly seamless, so the
user never saw a DOS prompt without explicitly asking for it.  Windows 95
still contained DOS (7.00), but the user never saw it.

Gordon Letwin at Microsoft developed OS/2.  But Microsoft sold it off to
IBM, and it became known as an IBM product.
Microsoft used some key technology from it in developing WindowsNT.
Within Microsoft's offerings, NT competed with non-NT windows, such as
Windows95, Windows98, and Windows2000.
Windows[NT] Vista, XP, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 continued, and the old Windows was

Naming a version after the year it is released is great for sales in the
first year, and a serious liability in subsequent years, unless there is
actually going to be a new version every year (as automobiles do)

Grumpy Ol' Fred                  ci...@xenosoft.com

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