> On Sep 12, 2018, at 2:39 PM, Norman Jaffe via cctech <cctech@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> The presence of the words 'NAND GATES' imply that this was part of some 
> educational kit for logic training, rather than a part of a system. 

Could be.  Then again, in the early days simple logic functions were packaged 
as modules one could buy and plug into connectors to build larger systems.  
DEC's early logic module products are an example.  And I remember in Holland 
seeing similar stuff, small circuit boards with transistors encased in gray 
plastic cases, with a 10 or so pin plug at the bottom.  These might contain a 
couple of 2-input NAND gates, or similarly simple elements.  And they would be 
labelled accordingly.

The fact that the board has tin rather than gold plated fingers does support 
the "educational kit" notion; something intended for serious commercial use 
would be expected to have more reliable connectors.


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