Bukan sekedar "bisanya cuman omong doang[TM]"; berikut
beberapa dokumen terkait untuk sebuah model. Model
ini mungkin tidak sempurnya, namun setidaknya dapat
digunakan sebagai sebuah kerangka acuan.

* A Mission Statement for the IETF

This memo gives a mission statement for the IETF, tries to define the
terms used in the statement sufficiently to make the mission
statement understandable and useful, argues why the IETF needs a
mission statement, and tries to capture some of the debate that led
to this point.

* [...] Regarding the Management of IETF Mailing Lists

This document [...] gives WG chairs explicit
responsibility for managing WG mailing lists.  In particular, it
gives WG chairs the authority to temporarily suspend the mailing list
posting privileges of disruptive individuals.

* IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has responsibility for
developing and reviewing specifications intended as Internet
Standards. IETF activities are organized into working groups (WGs).
This document describes the guidelines and procedures for formation
and operation of IETF working groups. It also describes the formal
relationship between IETF participants WG and the Internet
Engineering Steering Group (IESG) and the basic duties of IETF
participants, including WG Chairs, WG participants, and IETF Area

* Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)

This document describes the structure of the IETF Administrative
Support Activity (IASA) as an activity housed within the Internet
Society (ISOC).  It defines the roles and responsibilities of the
IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), the IETF
Administrative Director (IAD), and ISOC in the fiscal and
administrative support of the IETF standards process.  It also
defines the membership and selection rules for the IAOC.

* IAB and IESG Recommendation for IETF Administrative Restructuring

This document describes a joint recommendation of the Internet
Architecture Board and the Internet Engineering Steering Group for
administrative restructuring of the Internet Engineering Task Force.
The IETF Chair declared that the IETF had consensus to follow this
recommendation on November 11, 2004.  Further work has been done to
revise and refine the structures proposed.  The recommendation is
being published for the record.

* Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology

The IETF policies about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), such as
patent rights, relative to technologies developed in the IETF are
designed to ensure that IETF working groups and participants have as
much information about any IPR constraints on a technical proposal as
possible.  The policies are also intended to benefit the Internet
community and the public at large, while respecting the legitimate
rights of IPR holders.  This memo details the IETF policies
concerning IPR related to technology worked on within the IETF.  It
also describes the objectives that the policies are designed to meet.
This memo updates RFC 2026 and, with RFC 3978, replaces Section 10 of
RFC 2026.  This memo also updates paragraph 4 of Section 3.2 of RFC
2028, for all purposes, including reference [2] in RFC 2418.

* IETF Rights in Contributions

The IETF policies about rights in Contributions to the IETF are
designed to ensure that such Contributions can be made available to
the IETF and Internet communities while permitting the authors to
retain as many rights as possible.  This memo details the IETF
policies on rights in Contributions to the IETF.  It also describes
the objectives that the policies are designed to meet.  This memo
updates RFC 2026, and, with RFC 3979, replaces Section 10 of RFC

## EL6 ## Euis Luhuanam ## http://eluhu6.blogspot.com/ ##

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