Tks atas ucapan selamatnya : )
Dan nantikan berita mengenai pembentukan organisasi baru untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak pengguna internet di Indonesia, segera akan dimainkan begitu liburan ini selesai
Irwan Effendi
----- Original Message -----
From: :: nws ::
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ccTLD-ID] Fw: Status of ISOC Indonesia

Hihihi, gue kan ikutan ngirim email ke mereka. mo baca ngga?
Jadi intinya, selamat atas pembubaran Internet Society - Indonesian Chapter =)
Ya saya merayakan Idul Fitri. Tapi kalau kata meteor garden, "kalau semua bisa dengan maaf, buat apa ada polisi?" =P
Harapan saya untuk masa-masa kedepan, semakin berkurangnya orang yang sikut kiri-kanan untuk keuntungan pribadi.
On 10/19/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
therefore as usual I am
forwarding this email to the local mailing list, so that if any other
member wants to express their own perspective, they can send it to you and
My perspective about mr. teddy:
He's a typical Indonesian bureaucrat which is *dumb* but will use everything within his reach to his own personal advantage. A lot of people like that in here, but alas, we cannot do anything since those things are common in here.
>> Dear Galvin
>>   Detailed Plan of Internet Society Republic of Indonesia (ISOC-ID)
>> included at your attachment
>> Thanks for your attention and coorporate
Now, I joined this mailing list for only a few month, but I think the word "chapter" is missing from the paragraph above, which is actually not a vital problem but looks weird to me since it's the chairman who wrote it. Also, you might already realize the not-so-correct grammar and vocab he's using. I also not very fluent in English but at least I'm not trying to take everything  ;)


On 11/4/05, Irwan Effendi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "James M Galvin" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Teddy Purwadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Irwan Effendi"
Cc: "Fred Baker" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lynn St.Amour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"David McAuley" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Nelson Sanchez" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:48 PM
Subject: Status of ISOC Indonesia

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