Dear Karl,

tks again  for the explanation,

I am forwarding this to the local (indonesia) domain discussion list so that
they will also understand a bit more about the internet governance.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Auerbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Irwan Effendi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: [isoc-members-discuss] China To Launch Alternate Country Code

> On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, Irwan Effendi wrote:
> > Thank you for the explanation. Previously, I thought the .Biz thing was
> > resolved with the operator handing it over to ICANN, never knew that two
> > server was running at the same time.
> It wasn't a friendly thing.  The operator of the original .biz simply
> didn't have the resources to engage in a legal fight.  (They probably
> would have won on trademark grounds, but that takes a lot of time and
> money, particularly given the kind of misleading material ICANN is capable
> of waving in front of a judge - I know that from multiple first hand
> observations, particularly from my lawsuit against ICANN when they refused
> a Director (me) the ability to inspect the financials despite an clear and
> explicit right to do so under the law.)
> There was no carry-over of contents; the people who had names in the
> original .biz simply lost them.
> What is most interesting about the China thing is that it isn't new; it's
> been going on for several years.  Those who are saying that disaster will
> result from China's acts are contradicted by the fact that it's already
> been in effect for several years and very few people noticed the
> difference.  Taiwan was also doing its own root for a few years - again
> very few people noticed - but they discontinued it after I brought it to
> the attention of the ICANN board.
> As an experiment I spent several years trying to shoot myself in the foot
> by running my own root and by running with the competing roots.  The only
> problem I encountered, apart from the fact that when I uttered one of the
> extra TLD names people on the legacy root couldn't resolve the names, was
> that a couple of the competitive root operators were kind of wacky and
> thought they new more about DNS than the RFCs and did things wrong.
> We do have to hand it to the legacy root operators - they do a first class
> job.
>   --karl--

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