On Mon 17 November 2003 22:50, obarrot wrote:
> Hi, I can't use my CD-ATAPI cdrom with xcdroast + the ide-scsi.o
> module
> I had to disable DMA on this CD drive as any operation on the
> device freezed totally the
> machine!
> now I can mount & acccess this /dev/sg1 device ok but readcd does
> detect a garbled disk:
> a music disk instead of a data disk (see below)
> any hints?
> thanks


Random thoughts:

- Try getting the latest version of cdrtools, and compile and 
install them from source

- From your lsmod output, ide-scsi isn't loaded?

- The error message "Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD 
capabilities page." could be due to a firmware bug

- The output from readcd you pasted seems to be fine. Does it read 
it correctly?

- xcdroast doesn't seem to detect anything, it just starts cdda2wav. 
Although it seems that you snipped some output. Could you try 
without XCDRoast? That would give some more legible output as well 
as remove a potential source of error

- "DGB10: readtoc: no MMC" seems to say that the drive is not MMC 
compliant. If this is an old Goldstar drive, you may need the 
gscd.o kernel module. 

- How is the drive attached to the system? What kind of mainboard do 
you have?

- Does it work without ide-scsi, ie with ide-cd? If so, you could 
add the line

options ide-cd ignore=hdx

with hdx the device of your writer, to use the reader with ide-cd 
and the writer with ide-scsi. This is not a solution, but may be a 

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