[List seems to be down!?
 At least Debian-archive, and mail-archive did not get
 updated since Friday..

> It is a known fact that the firmware in the 708 is not what I would expect.
> If you insert a medium that it doesn"t like, then it behaves as if the drive
> is broken. People who don't know cdrecord well enough could even believe that
> cdrecord was broken.

I do not doubt there are problems of that kind, but in my case,
the original Ricoh-medium that could not get closed with proDVD
is certainly beyond suspicion of not being supported by the drive.
And with growisofs, it worked perfectly.

> Did you ever test with several different media? NOte that there are reports
> that even the media that are listet on Plextor"s site may not work.

I could not test DVD-R media (as you know), and I did not test other
DVD+R (as my coaster count gets a bit high, higher than it ever was
with CDs many years ago). But as stated above, the original Ricoh
simply is guaranteed to be OK.
> The NEC is known not to work with all media. This is the behavior
> intended by NEC! They don't like the drive to work with unknown media.
> Instead they seem to only write to well known (what they tested) media.

Thats another topic.. I thought it was about the same with all
DVD recorders: that they only accept media they know. But the NEC
is history (or to be exact: works OK in a Desktop with XP).
> The PIoneer drives in contrast will try to write to any medium but they
> will use a specific slow write strategy in this case. 

Interesting. Sounds much more customer-friendly. And the Plextor?
> There is another problem with DVD+, it seems that all DVD+ drives not made by
> Ricoh don't follow the SCSI standards..... 

> As you may have noticed, I was a bit disappointed by some DVD experiences
> in the first half of this year. I spend a lot of time with Linux kernel bugs
> that are only present because the Linux Polit office kernel development model
> creates more and more problems for making Linux ready for the future.
> Linus Torvalds is one of the biggest problems for Linux :-( 

Not a thing I presume judgement. Just am thankful for what both
of you contribute to Linux / application software :)

> implemented. I intended to do this before starting again with cdrecord, but
> it seems that I will start again with cdrecord earlier....

Sounds good :)
> The Close DVD+R problem is known and I am going to fix this soon....

Sounds even better..

> For DVD-R problems with the 708, I would need information.

Well, I cannot give you more than what I already posted in these
threads (same for NEC and Plextor):
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
 BURN-Free is ON.
 Turning BURN-Free off
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: VTrack 0 has unknown length.
 ./cdrecord-ProDVD: Cannot open next track.
 Writing  time:    0.006s 

Did not find log-messages when this happens. So, what kind of
additional info could I get you?
Would be glad to support you with some tests, as far as time allows.
Just send me a note if there is some new version or patch I can test 
(if it is supposed to solve some of my problems). Or what I can do
to provide you with additional debugging info.
(Will not be able to get hands on the drive before next week though).


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