Thanos Kyritsis wrote:
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 20:39, Robert S. Dubinski wrote:
The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard document version 2.3 of the Linux
Standard Base project ( lists the

As a matter of fact, there is also this document:

Now, which one is the right one ??

If FHS is the "right" one, it's obvious it's not complete, but on the 
contrary it's too general and fails to set a suitable standard for 
modern Linux distros.

Well, I think what Joerg wants to say is clear:
Some standard needs to finally direct everyone as to where the running 
kernel sources are. There are many applications that need the running 
kernel sources and not /usr/include/linux.

That's not at all what you need! You need to compile with the headers for the target kernel, where the application will run, not for the host machine. Now in most cases thay are the same, but you will continue to have problems unless you inderstand this point.

bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  CTO TMR Associates, Incs not at all what you need, you need the 
  Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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