It is most unlikely that you are able to check correctness using xine because
AFAIK xine only reads the data via the filesystem interface and stand alone
DVD players usually ignore the underlying filesystem and access the data

Are you saying that a stand alone DVD player looks for the dvd files (IFO, BUP, VOB) some other way than reading the file descriptors? If so, can you please inform me of what I do want to do to mkisofs generate a dvd-video disc playable by a set-top player? Getting this to work is just a milestone for sudo-live dvd-video burning directly from capture.

This patch does not look to be of general interest - sorry.

I don't mean to post the patch to be used if that is what you are implying. I posted it to ease a possibly interested person in helping me. No code = hard to debug!

In addition it is
the wrong time to discuss things other than show stopper bugs as long
as cdrtools-2.01 has not yet been released.

Um, ok. I tend to think improving things at any time is positive, but we all have our opinions.

>Oh yeah, the last few lines of console output if they are any help!

>libdvdnav: Can't read name block. Probably not a DVD-ROM device.
>libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/liaj/.dvdnav/.map'
>libdvdread: Invalid main menu IFO (VIDEO_TS.IFO).
>libdvdnav: vm: faild to read VIDEO_TS.IFO

A string containing "libdvdnav" does not appear in mkisofs.
It would help a lot if you use a related Subject or at least tell us
how this is related to mkisofs.

Sorry, I was refering to the last lines of xine's output trying to play the mounted hacked-iso with data starting at block 2048 as opposed to the dynamically created location the original mkisofs uses.

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