On Fri 13 August 2004 21:21, Mike 'Fox' Morrey wrote:
> Sorry, my bad. Misunderstood.
>       I don't mean *ADD* it to an image, but simply REPORT it when the
> image is finished...
>       And example of what I do daily..:
>       mkisofs -J -R -V toolbox#0327 -v -split-output -o
> /usr/image/archive.iso -iso-level 3 -path-list
> /usr/image/filelist.out /usr/image/ [...]
> > Total translation table size: 0
> > Total rockridge attributes bytes: 68578
> > Total directory bytes: 0
> > Path table size(bytes): 10
> > Done with: The File(s)           Block(s)    2290479
> > Writing:   Ending Padblock       Start Block 2290813
> > Done with: Ending Padblock       Block(s)    150
> > Max brk space used 1dc784
> > 2290963 extents written (4474 Mb)
>       Add the line like I have below to the output..
> >> Chksum: 5b2b214d09a5d8a9ea35dc32614dedb7
> >> /usr/image/archive.iso
>       So then scripts could grep out the chksum, and write it to an
> *.MD5 file at the same time the image is made...

How about using tee(1)? You could have mkisofs write the image to 
stdout, then use tee to put it into a file as well as pipe it into 

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