El Jueves, 30 de Septiembre de 2004 07:14, Tyler Montbriand escribió:
> This has been happening to me with fair regularity now.  I've got a backup
> script that I'm using to backup files to DVD-R;  tar.gz's under /var/backup
> get checked to see if they're already on the DVD and if they're not,
> they're burned onto the DVD then diffed to see if there were any errors,
> then removed from hard disk if they burned properly.
> I have not had much luck with this script.  I have no idea what is going
> wrong;  I torture-tested a DVD-R and burned 20 seperate sessions with no
> ill effect - admittedly small sessions.  This latest failed burn failed on
> the second session, with 3.2GB of data already present.  Good thing I had
> the foresight to copy the entire contents to hard drive before I tried to
> add more.
Try to use ide-scsi and then mount the dvd.

*                    Dr. Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez                       * 
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