> I've got problems with Andy Polyakov's DVD+RW kernel patch. I'm using
> kernel 2.4.21 and I've got a NEC 1300 drive.

As the web page mentions, even though DVD+RW is specified to provide for
true random write, not all units actually live up to this promise.
Unfortunately:-( In addition to 2nd generation Ricoh-based units (as
mentioned on the page), SONY units were also reported to work reliably,
but that's about it... At least among a number of reports from NEC
users, not a single one was a success story:-(

> "mkudffs --spartable=2 --media-type=cdrw"

As was pointed out in another thread, Linux UDF doesn't seem to be fast
enough to be practical. Also unfortunately...

A combination that is known to work reliably with kernel patch and any
unit is to bind /dev/scdN to /dev/raw/rawN and use /dev/raw/rawN
effectively as a tape device, e.g. with tar or cpio (also mentioned on
the page in "performance optimization" paragraph).

> Any ideas or suggestions welcome!

Stick to growisofs (or /dev/raw/rawN as depicted above). A.

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