> Memorex DVD-R with a 900MB ISO9660 image using growisofs.  It did not have
> any problems at all and the disc is mountable and readable just fine.  Two
> other times, growisofs has begun the burning, made it to about 30%, and then
> quit with what appeared to be the same type of sense error that cdrecord/
> dvdrecord had.

Three options:

- Media poorly supported by unit firmware. Reportedly Sony is not as
picky as NEC, but it's also known for not being able to record some
brands. Poor media support can manifest itself in most bizarre way. Try
another brand, update firmware, etc;
- Recorder hadware defect. The fact that you can record CD does not
exclude the possibility that circuitry engaged during DVD recording is
rotten. Talk to your vendor;
- Bad media batch. Unlike as you apparently tried for example DVD+RW;

> :-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=30h/ASCQ=10h ]
> :-[ media is not formatted or unsupported ]
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^ It means every word of it.

> These same errors happen whether or not I'm using ide-scsi to access the
> drive.  I will point out that the one time growisofs successfully burned, I
> was NOT using ide-scsi.  But I do not know if this is relevant to the
> problem.

It's hardly relevant. It's between your unit and media. A.

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