On Wed 12 November 2003 11:16, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a seldomly used PlexWriter 24/10/40A .
> Using cdrtools-2.01a19 and different media I always
> get strange errors:
> The cd is written without any error messages. But comparing
> it to the orignal I get mismatches always at a bytes with
> offset n*2048 where n is integer.
> Has anybody any idea?
> (Previously, at least with previous versions of cdrtools this
> drive worked OK)

Could you give some more information? Like the command line you use 
to burn the CD, and how you compare them. What OS are you using?

Lastly, when you say that it works with previous versions, do you 
mean earlier alpha versions, or the latest stable release? Could 
you try to find out in what version things went broke?

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