On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:44:05 +1300,
Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > If you like to buy a single format writer, buy DVD-, it is
> > standard has less readibility problems
> As you keep on propagating this nonsense (one might also call
> it FUD), for the record: DVD+ isn't any less standard than
> DVD-. Anyone can call themselves the "standard". Despite the
> FUD the DVD- people are putting out about DVD+, DVD+ isn't
> going to go away because it has a few things to offer DVD-
> couldn't possibly dream of (hence the need to resort to dirty
> tricks). As I can make out DVD+ is gaining momentum, and
> personally I wouldn't dream of buying a single-format burner -
> I imagine most people might think the same and the days of
> single-format burners are numbered. Any decent player has no
> problems with either DVD- or DVD+ as long as the media quality
> isn't rock-bottom.

As someone still waiting to take the DVD writing plunge, I see
one good thing going for DVD-.  While the cheapest DVD- burners
(LG) are more expensive than the cheapest DVD+ burners (Liteon),
DVD-R blanks are much cheaper than DVD+R.  A DVD-R blank costs 50
units of our local currency, while a DVD+R blank costs 150 units.

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