> I just asked Plextor for the neexed info. Let"s see what happens...

Pleased to hear that :)

I just sent a mail (see below) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe some more people reading this list can send similar requests?
Not all of you have a Plextor, but you can duplicate and send to
other manufacturers too. Perhaps also to info@ addresses as "potential
customers" (that did not already buy, but would "if Linux is supported"..)
OK, that probably wont change much, but at least we have to try :)


--- support request

Hello Plextor,

I purchased your DVD recorder model 708. I want to run it
with Linux. You link to some resources on your website
at page http://www.plextor.be/English/technical/linux.html

CDrecord does not at all work with the 708. I know this is
not primarily your responsibility, but I want to express my
request that you do everything to support the author.

There is another project named dvd+rw-tools, that currently
works in many cases with the drive:
Perhaps you can add it to the Linux-page?

Another chapter is firmware updates. The author of cdrecord
also maintains a Linux flash utility, but it also does not
know the 708 yet. Again, please supply the author with all
necessary information or hardware as soon as possible.
The firmware itself is packed into an .exe - why dont you
use a standard format like zip? At least alternatively.

I am sure there are more users interested in recording on
Linux - please reconsider to increase your commitment
regarding Linux. If Plextor becomes the brand of choice
for Linux users, this is a target group that may be more
valuable than its pure number suggests. Maybe Plextor already
is better for Linux than many other brands - but it sure is
far from "real good"..
One thing is sure: the Linux community is growing. Multimedia
with Linux is gaining ground (mplayer, VDR). Lots of people
build their own HD+DVD-videorecorders on this basis.

Thanks for reading.
Your hopeful customer..

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