
> >It's probably just a coincidence, but I thought I'd better 
> ask in case there were any known issues, as at present my 
> *cheap* DVD burner has turned in to an *expensive* CD reader...
> >Which is inconvenient, to say the least!
> >
> I have to say that this looks almost identical to the 
> problems (no/wrong 
> disk) I had with my Pioneer before I upgraded the firmware. After 
> upgrade the problems all went away. Unfortunately you may not 
> be able to 
> get an upgrade for this drive, unless you can find out who made it.

Well, after the following advice from Jörg, I took the drive back to the shop. 
The replacement is reading disks again... works OK with growisofs, haven't got 
round to burnng any DVD- type disks, so can't comment on it's behaviour with 
cdrecord yet.

> >There was a Verbatim 4x DVD-R disk in the drive when I ran 
> >this test, the same as the media I have been trying to burn.
> Then the drive is broken and needs to be replaced .... or it 
> needs better firmware.

Yup, I think it was broken - the replacement seems better - so far!

Does someone keep a list of drive types etc.?
When the drive was broken, I tried to find out about it, looking for firmware 
upgrades etc...

The packaging was badged Pika One - seems to be a company formed by the people 
behind LaCie, but I couldn't tell if the new company (or the hardware they 
sell) was related to LaCie or not.
The new drive is labelled as being manufactured in China by Top-Glory 
Electronics (which I think is a contract manufacture organisation.) 
My search for firmware lead me to a BTC run website.

Interestingly, the replacement drive has a later firmware revision installed 
than the one that failed. Hopefully this is a good sign!

Thanks for all the input.
Cheers for now,

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