Jörg, I don't care about silly arguments about who's right, but I have
to agree 100% with Andy's assessment of the situation. He gave sound
reason for his conclusion. I am still very interested in your detailed
technical explanation on why a fast CPU with 0% load only manages a 0.4x
DVD burn speed because of a lack of enabled DMA.

Further to the issue on hand, I have this hardware:

Duron 600

00:00.0 Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 730 Host (rev 02)
00:00.1 IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE] (rev d0)

Vendor_info    : 'PIONEER '
Identifikation : 'DVD-RW  DVR-106D'
Revision       : '1.05'

Seagate 7200rpm 8MB cache IDE disk (this is probably significant)

which seems as close as we'll get to the system in question. SuSE 8.2,
kernel packages k_athlon-2.4.20-100 and k_athlon-2.4.20-101.i586.rpm (I
don't spend time on rolling my own kernels). Burning 4x DVD-R is just
fine. DMA enabled.

Three times now in the past 6 weeks I have observed the system suddenly
running at what appears to be 10% speed. CPU load shows nothing
significant, say <20% almost all the time, I think there may have been
peaks too. Oh, and DVD+RW burning happens at 0.4x... luckily it was
+RW, so I could just kill it. No funny processes I could find, nothing
obvious in syslog. A reboot always fixes it. Usually I use the system
via ssh + shell. It seems to get stuck after heavy harddisk activity
(like cp a b of a 4GB file).

It seems to be a kernel problem to me, hints as to further debugging
appreciated... Looks like the kernel gets permanently stuck in the IDE
department somewhere. Note there's a generation mismatch in the system:
the mobo is late 99/early 00, the disk is mid/late 03. It's not unlikely
that Linux simply isn't tuned for this particular combination.

I have to agree with Jörg in one respect: on the above Duron 600 as
well as on a P4-2GHz the kernel's idea of time, and therefore the
calculation of burn speed, goes seriously bananas without DMA (but by
factor of 2 in my experience, sample=2).



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