On Sun 28 December 2003 13:03, Mihai Florescu wrote:
>      Hi,
>        The problem is that the cd-rw can't copy from a cd to hard
> disk anything. This happens only in Windows XP. Strange is that
> in XP can write to a cd without any trouble.
>        I don't know what to do. I tried to go to the LG site but
> it seems it doesn't work. Another strange thing is that Windows
> tells me that everything is in order.
>        Now i'm operating Windows 2000 Pro and everything with the
> cd-rw is ok.
>        Please help me.

Erm, this mailinglist is about writing CD's and DVD's under UNIX, 
most often Linux. Unless you want help upgrading to Linux or some 
other UNIX, I don't think we can help you.

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