On Tuesday 27 January 2004 20:39, Robert S. Dubinski wrote:
> The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard document version 2.3 of the Linux
> Standard Base project (http://www.linuxbase.org/) lists the
> following:

As a matter of fact, there is also this document:

Now, which one is the right one ??

If FHS is the "right" one, it's obvious it's not complete, but on the 
contrary it's too general and fails to set a suitable standard for 
modern Linux distros.

Well, I think what Joerg wants to say is clear:
Some standard needs to finally direct everyone as to where the running 
kernel sources are. There are many applications that need the running 
kernel sources and not /usr/include/linux.

Kyritsis Athanasios <djart at linux.gr>
Studying Electrical & Computer Engineering
@ Univ. of Patras, Greece

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