Hmmmm, maybe it's my drive. Now, when I put in either of my two DVD+RW
in, the busy light stays on for a while (5 minutes or so), and during
that time I can't get any info on the DVD:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] media $ dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd
INQUIRY:                [OPTORITE][DVD RW DD0203   ][2.30]
 Mounted Media:         1Ah, DVD+RW
 Current Write Speed:   2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Write Speed #0:        1.0x1385=1385KB/s
 Write Speed #1:        2.0x1385=2770KB/s
 Write Speed #2:        4.0x1385=5540KB/s
:-[ READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 failed with SK=2h/ASC=04h/ACQ=01h]: Resource
temporarily unavailable
:-[ READ DISC INFORMATION failed with SK=2h/ASC=04h/ACQ=01h]: Resource
temporarily unavailable

After 5 minutes or so, the busy light goes out, but I still can't get
any info:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] media $ dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd
INQUIRY:                [OPTORITE][DVD RW DD0203   ][2.30]
 Mounted Media:         1Ah, DVD+RW
 Current Write Speed:   2.4x1385=3324KB/s
 Write Speed #0:        1.0x1385=1385KB/s
 Write Speed #1:        2.0x1385=2770KB/s
 Write Speed #2:        4.0x1385=5540KB/s
:-[ READ DVD STRUCTURE#0 failed with SK=2h/ASC=30h/ACQ=00h]: Wrong
medium type
:-[ READ DISC INFORMATION failed with SK=2h/ASC=30h/ACQ=00h]: Wrong
medium type

However, my DVD-Rs are detected fine and have never given me any trouble
when burning them.

Sigh... Maybe it's time to look for another drive...

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