On Wed 3 March 2004 14:04, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> If you don't understand that you get a valuable piece of software
> and don't like to even do simple tests, then you are just the
> kind of person nobody likes to get in contact with. But then you
> should be consistent and stay away from this mailing list!

Note that this is _not_ a cdrecord mailinglist. It is a Debian 
mailinglist about writing CDs in general. It also seems to be an 
important support forum for growisofs.

Jon came here asking for advice about a problem he had with 
growisofs (which Andy helped him with). You started about 
cdrecord-ProDVD, Jon explained why he doesn't use cdrecord-ProDVD, 
and now you are complaining that he he is a freeloader because he 
doesn't want to test cdrecord-ProDVD? That is simply unfair. Jon 
does _not_ use your software, and he does _not_ owe you anything.

I realise that you're greatly frustrated with open source in general 
and the GNU/Linux community in particular, but taking it all out on 
Jon is simply unfair and uncalled for.

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