>     I have a kernel 2.6.3,

There was a severe kernel bug introduced in scsi layer in 2.6.3 (search
for 2.6.3 in last month archive). If you use ide-scsi emulation, you
might be affected by it. The bug is reportedly addressed in upcoming
kernel release (search for 2.6.3 in this month archive, post from
Joachim Feise).

> # dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd
> INQUIRY:                [TOSHIBA ][DVD-ROM SD-R6112][1709]
>     Then it hangs there, and I can't even kill dvd+rw-mediainfo.

I would suggest to downgrade to 2.6.2 or download 2.6.4 prerelease
version. A.

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