> It refuse to work at 4x (with 4x media of course) even using -force.
> dvd+rw-tools shows the same behaviour.

Complement your report with actual output from growisofs, which would
support this.

> INQUIRY:                [_NEC    ][DVD_RW ND-1300A ][1.0A]
>  Mounted Media:         1Bh, DVD+R
>  Write Performance:     3.9x1385=5408KB/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> 2295104]
                          ^^^ Point is that recording should have
proceeded at 4x and if it didn't actually, then something else was
wrong. E.g. DMA might have been off, or you might have suffered from
scheduling/buffering problems (see
http://lists.debian.org/cdwrite/2003/cdwrite-200312/msg00226.html for
example). There also is a chance that this particular media brand is
poorly supported by firmware. Yes, the latter is a bit far reached
statement, firmware being simply lying about write speed, but there were
reports which can be interpreted in this way (see
http://lists.debian.org/cdwrite/2004/cdwrite-200403/msg00015.html for
example). A.

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