Joerg Schilling wrote:
Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I cannot help if your DVD drive is slow or has other deficits that make the
DMA speed test reporting too low numbers. This is not a cdrecord problem but a problem of your hardware or your OS.
Since the hardware and the OS work at higher speeds with outer software,

Could you explain outer software compared to inner software?

s/outer/other/ - changing keyboards 3-4 times a day does not improve my already dubious typing. But growisofs, for instance, gets 9.8 or 9.9x overall and 12.1x on the outer tracks. I did check using the size and elapsed time to be sure the calculations are correct, so that's a real result from the same hardware and OS.

Sorry for the typo, I thought it was clear from context.
it's clear that cdrecord is making an incorrect estimate of the hardware capabilities. Since you seem uninterested in investigating why that happens I'll continue using software which can make better estimates of the hardware.

cdrecord does not make incorrect estimations, it _meters_ the behavior.
For drives that behave incorrectly in this area, just follow the instructions.....
But it wants to limit the speed to half of what the hardware will do with other programs. Clearly there is some issue here, it just isn't obvious what it is.

Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "Woe unto the statesman who makes war without a reason that will still
be valid when the war is over..." Otto von Bismark

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