
Am Donnerstag, 20. November 2008 13:33 schrieb Thomas Schmitt:

> Did it carry data when it was loaded into the
> drive ? (Said 316032 blocks perhaps ?)

Where should I see this?

I made another attempt burning an iso image starting

growisofs -Z /dev/sr2=opensource_dvd70.iso

I could mount this getting (/var/log/messages):

kernel: ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
kernel: ISOFS: changing to secondary root

In mc (midnight commander) I can look into the directory structure of the 
mounted dvd but every copy operation gives an error:

kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
kernel: 0b:02: rw=0, want=2242880, limit=130528

I burned the same iso with the newest release of cdrecord

cdrecord dev=1,2,0 opensource_dvd70.iso

and the DVD-RW was burned well, could be mounted and all data could be read 
without any error.

> Try whether the problem vanishes if you eject
> the tray after writing and load it again.

I reloaded the problematic media several times.

> If this is the same media with the same data as
> above then the difference in numbers is astounding.
> This would mean the media is plain ill and makes
> the drives return different size information
> or different data blocks.

Why does the media contains correct size information after burning with 
cdrecord but is unusable when burned with growisofs?

> > DVD+/-R (DL media also) could allways be burned,
> > mounted an read without errors.
> Drive media compatibility with DVD is a gamble.
> Especially with DVD-RW there is often trouble.
> Try DVD+RW instead, or a different brand of DVD-RW
> with lower nominal speed (e.g. 2x).

I´m using DVD-RW because the DVD-Reader in my linux desktop dvd device 
supports only "-" media.

The burners are located in a server using webcdwriter/CDWserver as server 
based burning software.


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Fax : +49-2536-9943
WWW    : http://home.foni.net/~marcusroeckrath/

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