Parker Jones wrote:
Hi Thomas,

> It is advisable to use a different program
> for DVD purposes. E.g:
> growisofs, cdrecord, cdrskin, xorriso.
> (I am author of the latter two.)
> DVD+RW should be simply writeable via their
> device file. Try:
> dd if=newworld.iso bs=2048 of=/dev/dvd
> Maybe the kernel is smarter than the burn program.

I tried this and here's the output:

$ dd if=~/newworld.iso bs=2048 of=/dev/dvd
dd: writing `/dev/dvd': No space left on device
2+0 records in
1+0 records out
2048 bytes (2.0 kB) copied, 0.080821 s, 25.3 kB/s

I guessed this was because the media needed formatting which I did with
dvd+rw-format /dev/dvd
but the outcome was still the same.

I tried cdrecord because growisofs didn't work (see thread about a fortnight ago). So this may not be software related. But it would still be nice to get a clear error message indicating what has gone wrong.

I don't think you burner likes this media, but I would suggest formatting as a separate step, with cdrecord or dvd+rw-format, then leave off options like "-dao" and let the software pick a mode.

I agree about the messages not be clear to a typical user, but your results with "dd" indicate issues other than the application.

E. Robert Bogusta
 It seemed like a good idea at the time

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