Andy Polyakov <> wrote:

> When it comes to accuracy of information meant for general public, it's
> difference between implying things and spelling them in manner that
> can't be interpreted differently by different people.
> >> 1. According to 'man ata' DMA is enabled by default on Solaris 10. To my
> >> experience with Sun W1100z it holds true.
> > 
> > Whis this is true for Solaris 10 x86 and hard disks, it is definitely not 
> > true
> > for the other. 
> Original statement was "Solaris 10 in general does not by default enable
> DMA." Any sane person not intimately familiar with subject would
> interpret that Solaris 10 never uses DMA by default.

Well, we are talking about CD/DVD/BluRay writing and it should be obvious for a 
scientist, that remarks are done here with thede constraints in mind.

I cannot see statements of interest in the rest. If you like to prove that there
are Sparc machines with Solaris that behave different from what all other users 
reported, please send the related information:

-       exactly describe the machine type, the OS release and the drive type.

-       send information from "prtconf -pv"

-       Send the kernel verbose information from /var/adm/messages that
        indicate that DMA was in fact enabled for the related drive

-       send the eeprom(1) output that indicates that the DMA is not disabled
        for CD-ROM type drive even though the low level kernel layers did 
        set up DMA.

-       Send a "cdrecord -v -checkdrive" output for the drive that verifies
        that the drive is capable to do IO in a speed that requires DMA and thus
        indicates that DMA is really in effect.

If you could verify this, you would be the first person to do so!


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