On Wed, 2017-08-16 at 19:34 +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry, i did not react properly on this piece of info:
> > 
> > The format, erase, and burn processes all complete normally with no
> > issues or errors. When I mount and attempt to read the tar file it
> > aborts with an error message.
> Do you see related messages in the system logs ?
> What happens if you let xorriso read the medium:
>   xorriso -indev /dev/sr0 -check_media --
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

The last of the output from the above command on a usable media.

xorriso : UPDATE :  12276k blocks read in 1291 seconds , 6.0xB
xorriso : UPDATE :  12289k blocks read in 1292 seconds , 6.0xB
xorriso : UPDATE :  12294k blocks read in 1292 seconds = 4.4xB
Media checks :        lba ,       size , quality
Media region :          0 ,        160 , + good
Media region :        160 ,         32 , + slow
Media region :        192 ,        128 , + good
Media region :        320 ,         32 , + slow
Media region :        352 ,         32 , + good
Media region :        384 ,         64 , + slow
Media region :        448 ,   12588945 , + good
Media region :   12589393 ,   11062959 , 0 untested

On media that is not usable, I get the following error when I try to
use tar and read the file.

gzip: stdin: Input/output error
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I attempted to run the same command above on the failed burn and I
received the following during the process.

xorriso : UPDATE : 292736 blocks read in 70 seconds , 1.4xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 296448 blocks read in 71 seconds , 1.6xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 297824 blocks read in 72 seconds , 0.5xB
libburn : SORRY : SCSI error on read_10(297824,32): [3 11 05] Medium
error. L-EC uncorrectable error.
xorriso : UPDATE : 297856 blocks read in 76 seconds , 0.0xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 297888 blocks read in 78 seconds , 0.0xB
libburn : SORRY : SCSI error on read_10(297920,32): [3 11 05] Medium
error. L-EC uncorrectable error.
xorriso : UPDATE : 297952 blocks read in 82 seconds , 0.0xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 298016 blocks read in 84 seconds , 0.0xB
libburn : SORRY : SCSI error on read_10(298048,32): [3 11 05] Medium
error. L-EC uncorrectable error.
xorriso : UPDATE : 298080 blocks read in 88 seconds , 0.0xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 300640 blocks read in 89 seconds , 1.2xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 304576 blocks read in 90 seconds , 1.8xB
xorriso : UPDATE : 308288 blocks read in 91 seconds , 1.7xB

The program continued to run and then completed with the following.

xorriso : UPDATE :  12337k blocks read in 2787 seconds , 2.1xB
xorriso : UPDATE :  12342k blocks read in 2788 seconds , 2.1xB
xorriso : UPDATE :  12342k blocks read in 2788 seconds = 2.1xB
Media checks :        lba ,       size , quality
Media region :          0 ,     264736 , + good
Media region :     264736 ,         32 , + slow
Media region :     264768 ,      33056 , + good
Media region :     297824 ,         32 , - unreadable
Media region :     297856 ,         32 , + slow
Media region :     297888 ,         32 , + good
Media region :     297920 ,         32 , - unreadable
Media region :     297952 ,         32 , + good
Media region :     297984 ,         32 , + slow
Media region :     298016 ,         32 , + good
Media region :     298048 ,         32 , - unreadable
Media region :     298080 ,   12340187 , + good
Media region :   12638267 ,   11014085 , 0 untested
xorriso : NOTE : Tolerated problem event of severity 'SORRY'
xorriso : NOTE : -return_with SORRY 32 triggered by problem severity

The script is run by cron during the night.  Reliability is more
important than performance.  So I have set stream_recording off for
tonight on this media.  I will see how it completes in the morning.

Thank you,

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