
On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:24:08 +0100
André Hentschel <n...@dawncrow.de> wrote:

> >>> Has anybody stumbled at the implementation of aygshell functions
> >>> like SHCreateMenuBar() for pure Win32? Maybe not as a standalone
> >>> library, but as part of a project which supports both Win32 and
> >>> WinCE. I'd appreciate any hint.
> Would love to see some OSS implementation of the CE Menu functions,
> will be usefull for winece (sry, still no repo online ...)

Well, it actually occurred to me that I should look at Wine/ReactOS for
such stuff, and indeed I found mentioning of some initial work to
support WinCE in ReactOS, but not beyond some coredll proxying, which
even was removed from their repo since then due to lack of further
progress for years.

I now have read your posts about wine-arm in the archive, nice work,
hope you'll break the ice on this matter ;-).

In the meantime, I've put my stuff at
http://github.com/pfalcon/aygshell-win32 (not pledging for full or
complete impl, just purely pragmatic approach of adding stuff which
helps porting specific other stuff).

> Best Regards, André Hentschel

Best regards,
 Paul                          mailto:pmis...@gmail.com

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