
As discussed at the last CellML meeting, there are some models which 
reference both the paper about the model, and a reference about the 
biology. Since there is no way to determine between them, this creates 
problems for CellML metadata processing tools which want to identify the 
paper about the model (such as the CellML repository). However, it would 
still be a good thing to include references about the biology / 
experiments on which a model is based, as well as papers on underlying 
mathematical techniques (and perhaps earlier papers?)

The CellML Metadata specification already describes a predicate 
cmeta:bio_entity, and another cmeta:math_problem. Although the cmeta 
specification suggests that these be used to provide references to 
identifiers for the biological entity a part of the model relates to, 
and likewise for the mathematical problem, it would also be possible to 
create a list of references inside the resource targeted by the 
bio_entity or math_problem predicate.

I would therefore suggest that the following be considered best practice:
1) Only refer to the paper about the model from the metadata for the model.
2) Any other papers should be in another resource referred to from the 
bio_entity and math_problem entities.

Does anyone else have any opinion on this?

Best regards,

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