Hi Tommy,

Thought I'd just jot down some initial thoughts after following your 
invitation to have a play with the new metadata tools on the model 
repository :-) These are generally cosmetic suggestions more for your 
consideration than any urgent requirement you need to act on...

The formatting of author/creator/modifier/etc names leaves a bit to be 
desired. I'd suggest following a more standard pattern and removing the 
'|' as the separation character. For example, something like:
        G1 O1 F1, G2 O2 F2, & G3 O3 F3; or
        F1, G1 O1, F2, G2 O2, & F3, G3 O3
with F=Family, G=Given, O=other names where you drop O's where they are 
not specified or add more in where needed. You'd imagine that then names 
specified using the vCard:FN property would more naturally slot into 
this kind of display.

If would be good to make the PubMed ID field a link to the PubMed page 
for the given reference.

Similarly, when editing a citation it would be good to simply specify a 
PubMed ID or DOI or something similar and have the fields populated from 
that database.

While its hard to judge until more metadata is presented to the user, I 
suspect the collapsing pane view is not going to be particularly easy to 
navigate around. But I guess we can wait and see once there are some 
more complete examples to play with. Nesting similar properties would 
probably be a good idea (modification history, as you pointed out).

In the previous framework, each piece of metadata presented to the user 
provided a link to the corresponding CellML/MathML code in the "view 
cellml" tab. It would be good to keep this functionality.

While I haven't followed through with any changes, I'm hoping that 
modifying a model's name or curation level will force the editor to also 
add modification metadata to the model? You could perhaps pre-populate 
the modification fields based on the changes the user is making...

It would be good to have a consistent interface for editing a person's 
name. Currently when editing metadata there is a different interface for 
the file creator, comment authors, and citation authors. I think the 
citation author interface is the best, although possibly with all three 
fields having equal width. And while I guess we can force people into 
using the full vCard:N structure when they are entering data using this 
editor it probably gets a bit tricky to also support the abbreviated 
vCard:FN property....

In the metadata editor, there is really nothing special about the CellML 
Model Metadata, it just happens to be "about" the cellml:model resource. 
It would be nice to be able to use the same interface to enter the same 
kinds of metadata about any resource in the model document. For example, 
it is quite useful to cite a particular source(s) for a variable value 
or a particular modification to an equation.


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