Hinxton, tuesday September 25th 2007.

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the ninth release of BioModels Database.

This new release sees the the addition of 46 models, 38 entering the
curated branch. That brings the public version of BioModels Database
to 13082 reactions. As usual, a significant portion of the annotation
of existing models has also been uptated. The database now features
7985 cross-references.

Many methods have been added to BioModels Dababase WebServices. You
can now retrieve the models using ChEBI, GO, UniProt and Taxonomy
information. We welcome any suggestion for new services.

For more details on this release, please consult:

BioModels Database is developed by the teams of Nicolas Le Novère
(EMBL-EBI, United-Kingdom) and Michael Hucka (SBML Team, Caltech, USA)
in collaboration with Upinder Bhalla (DOQCS, National Center for
Biological Sciences, India), Herbert Sauro (Keck Graduate Institute,
USA), Hiroaki Kitano (Systems Biology Institute, Japan), Hans
Westerhoff and Jacky Snoep (JWS Online, Stellenbosch (ZA) and
Manchester (UK) Universities), as part of the BioModels.net
initiative. BioModels Database development has benefitted from funds
of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Le Novère team), the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (SBML team and Le Novère
team), and the DARPA (Sauro team).

A big thank-you to all our collaborators and submitters!

The BioModels Database team
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