Hinxton, Wednesday 3st December 2008

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the twelfth release of BioModels Database.

In this release, 23 new models entered the curated branch. The public
version of BioModels Database now contains 208 models in the curated and
85 in the non curated branch. Together these 293 models comprise 27238
species and 34443 reactions. Some of the existing models have been
slightly changed to correct unit inconsistencies and to enhance
reusability. Also the annotations of some existing models have been
updated. The database now features around 13483 cross-references.

Accompanying this data release, the BioModels Database software has been
* The number of all models related to a term is now displayed when
viewing the Gene Ontology based model tree.
* The search engine now also scans through models already annotated but
not yet in the public branch.
* For the Web Services users, there is a new feature in the Web Services
to retrieve sub-models by giving the model id and different element's
(such as reaction, species or compartment) ids.

Additionally from this release on, BioModels Database switched to a new
authentication system. It doesn't influence the curators and annotators,
but is more secure and flexible. For curation and annotation there are
some other features added. For instance, annotators will be able to add
curation comments when annotating the models.

For more details got to:

 BioModels Database is developed by the teams of Nicolas Le Novère
(EMBL-EBI, United-Kingdom) and Michael Hucka (SBML Team, Caltech, USA)
in collaboration with Upinder Bhalla (DOQCS, National Center for
Biological Sciences, India), Ion Moraru (the Virtual Cell, USA), Jacky
Snoep (JWS Online, Stellenbosch (ZA) University, ZA).

BioModels Database development is funded by the European Molecular
Biology Laboratory (Le Novère team), the Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council (Le Novère team), the National Institute of
General Medical Sciences (SBML team and Le Novère team), and the
National Center for Research Resources (Virtual Cell team).

A big thank you to all collaborators and submitters
Also we want to thank the SBML community for their support and the tools
they provide and develop

The BioModels Database Team

Lukas Endler
Comp. Neurobiol. Group
EMBL/EBI (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/)
mobile: +447500547176
skype: lukasendler
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