Celtic and Old English Saints          19 November

* St. Medana of Galloway
* St. Ronan of Drumshallon
* St. Ermenburga of Thanet

St. Medana of Galloway, Virgin
Born in Ireland; 8th century. The virgin Saint Medana fled to Scotland
to escape her seducers and lived in Galloway. She is possibly identical
with Saint Midnat (f.d. November 18) venerated in West Meath
(Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

St. Ronan (Ruadan), Bishop
(also 18 November)
St. Ronan, son of Berach, a disciple of the great St. Fechin of Fore. He
became first Abbot of Drumshallon, and died 18 November, 665. Saint
Ronan is venerated at Canterbury as a bishop, because his arm is
enshrined there. His identity is obscure (Farmer).

St. Ermenburga of Thanet, Widow
(Ebba, Eormenburh, Domneva)
Died c. 650-700. Saint Ermenburga was a Kentish princess of
distinguished lineage. Her father was Ermenred, the brother of King
Erconbert of Kent. She married Merewald, said to be the son of King
Penda of Mercia, by whom she bore four children, including Saints
Mildred (f.d. July 13), Milburga (f.d. February 23); eldest of the three
girls), and Mildgith (f.d. January 17; youngest daughter), and Merefin,
who died in his youth. Ermenburga's own siblings included Saints
Ethelred and Ethelbert (f.d. October 17).

When they were cruelly murdered at Eastry near Sandwich by Egbert's
counsellor Thunor, their sister received the "wergild" in the form of
land at Kent. In her old age Ermenburga used this land to found the
convent of Minster on Thanet, where the place name Ebbsfleet still
perpetuates her memory. She became its abbess about 670 and was
succeeded by her daughter Mildred, who had been trained at Chelles in
France. Domneva is a contraction of Domna Ebba (Lady Ebba)
(Benedictines, Farmer).

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