Celtic and Old English Saints         11 February

* St. Ecian of Ireland
* St. Gobnet of Ballyvourney

St. Ecian, Bishop in Ireland

St. Gobnata (Gobnet, Gobnait) of Ballyvourney, Virgin
6th century One of the most popular of the saints of Munster, she was
born in County Clare but had to flee from enemies and took refuge in the
Isle of Aran, where there is a church at Inisheer, Kilgobnet, Gobnat's
church. After a time an angel appeared and told her that this was not to
be "the place of her resurrection" but she must make a journey until she
came upon nine white deer and this would be the sign for her to settle
and build a monastery.

So she set out to search for the spot that God had chosen for her and
she founded churches on the way, among them Dunguin in County Kerry and
Dungarven in County Waterford. It was in County Cork that she saw three
white deer near Cloudrohid; then at Ballymakeera she saw six and going
further she arrived at Ballyvourney and found nine grazing near a wood.
There she founded her monastery.

Saint Abban of Kilabban, County Meath, Ireland, is said to have worked
with her on the foundation of the convent in Ballyvourney, County Cork,
on land donated by the O'Herlihy family, and to have placed Saint Gobnat
over it as abbess.

St Gobnat had a particular calling to care for the sick and she is
credited with saving the people at Ballyvourney from the plague. She is
also regarded as the Patroness of bees. Gobnata (meaning "Honey Bee",
which is the equivalent of the Hebrew "Deborah") Of course honey is a
useful ingredient in many medicines but she is said to have driven off a
brigand by sending a swarm of bees after him and making him restore the
cattle he had stolen. In fact she seems to have been very able in
dealing with brigands. Set in the wall of the ruined church at
Ballyvourney there is a round stone, which she is said to have used as a
sort of boomerang to prevent the building of a castle by another brigand
on the other side of the valley from her monastery. Every time he began
building she sent the stone across and knocked down the walls, as fast
as he could build, until he gave up in despair.

There is a field near to the village called the Plague Field
commemorating the area she marked out as consecrated ground, across
which the plague could not pass. The "Tomhas Ghobnata", which is the
Gaelic for Gobnat's measure, a length of wool measured against her
statue, is still in demand for healing, and in the church a much worn
wooden statue of the thirteenth century is preserved and shown on her
festival. At Killeen there is Gobnat's Stone, an early cross pillar that
has a small figure bearing a crozier on one side.

A well still exists at Ballyvourney that is named after her. As with
many Irish saints, there are stories of wondrous interactions with

Her grave in the churchyard at Ballyvourney is decorated with crutches
and other evidence of cures obtained through Gobnata's intercession.
Among the miracles attributed to her intercession were the staying of a
pestilence by marking off the parish as sacred ground. Another tradition
relates that she routed an enemy by loosing her bees upon them. Her
beehive has remained a precious relic of the O'Herlihys.

The round stone associated with her is still preserved. In art, Saint
Gobnata is represented as a beekeeper.

Troparion of St Gobnet tone 3
As a spiritual child of the God inspired Abban/ thou didst worthily
guide many into monastic virtue, most holy Gobnet./ Wherefore we entreat
thee to intercede for us/ that we may be guided aright/ and be found
worthy of the great mercy of Christ our God.

Kontakion of St Gobnet tone 5
Praise and honour are thy due/ O physician of bodies and souls,/ most
pious Gobnet./ As thou, being blessed with the gift of healing,/ didst
bring to many the wholeness and peace of Christ,/ pray now for us that
our tormented souls/ may come to know the joy of godly healing.


Benedictine Monks of Saint Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1947). The Book of Saints. NY: Macmillan.

D'Arcy, M. R. (1974). The Saints of Ireland. Saint Paul,
Minnesota: Irish American Cultural Institute.

Farmer, D. H. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Flanagan, L A.(1990) Chronicle of Irish Saints.
The Blackstaff Press, Belfast.

Montague, H. P. (1981). The Saints and Martyrs of Ireland.
Guildford: Billing & Sons.

Neeson, E. (1967). Book of Irish Saints. Cork: Mercer Press.

O'Hanlon, J. (1875). Lives of Irish saints, 10 vol. Dublin.

Sullivan, A. M. (1867). Story of Ireland. Dublin: M. H. Gill.

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

These Lives are archived at:


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