On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 11:06:59AM +0100, transacid wrote:
> Hey fellas,


> Since there is this service called irseek, and then changed their
> policy [1], [2] i think it'll be a good idea to invite this bot into
> our channel, so we can direct users there which ask the same
> questions. I have my logs online at [3] but it's not seekable and
> doesn't make so much sense.

I wonder where the logs will be published and what rules apply for using
the data.
I agree that it could be very useful for all users who want to know
something which has been discussed on the channel.
But we should mention this in the topic or join message, just like it
has been mentioned in the blog [1].
Maybe we should already do this, since you put the logs online already.

> If there is no objection, i'd take over that task and invite the bot.

I don't have a objection that you do this, but would like to know the
rules beforehand.

[1] http://blog.freenode.net/?p=62

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i N3pJoM36 >|36 7VVW373H N38 >|I '3W d73H Snap je 't niet? Hou dan ff je 
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