On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, Tiger!P wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 08:49:11PM +0100, Lubomir Kundrak wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hello,
> [cut URL for fedora cim5]
>> I was thinking about providing repositories with nightly builds of
>> centerim5, master and mob for Fedora. Given Fedora's packaging system's
>> ability to nicely separate and package debuggins symbols and work with
>> build IDs it could be valuable for developers.
> Is centerim5 already solid enough to release rpm packages for it?

In my opinion it is not.

>> I'm just wondering if any of you use Fedora, before I decide whether
>> spend time on it :)
> I'm using fedora on one computer, but I don't want to install an
> unstable release on that computer, since it is my 'production' computer.

I also use Fedora

> Tiger!P
> --
> A random quote:
> Mede door de mens kan de duivel zichzelf scheppen.
> --
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Mark Pustjens

They say the heat and the flies here can drive a man insane. But you don't
have to believe that, and nor does that bright mauve elephant that just
cycled past.
   (The Last Continent)

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