On 27.05.2009 08:58, Mehturt wrote:
> Hello developers,
> yesterday I have commited a patch in order to fix
> http://bugzilla.centerim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7.
> The patch is located here
> http://repo.or.cz/w/centerim.git?a=commit;h=4d1bcaeff7eba80f6f3a47110b45e3e17eb62c33
> This email is just to inform you about this patch.
> Anyway, I remember hacking centericq some time ago that would allow
> searching in the contact list starting anywhere in the name, would you
> be interested in this patch as well?

Sure, every enhancement is welcome. .oO(as long as it's a real
enhancement :)

thanks for the patches
   Boris "transacid" Petersen

> Regards,
> m.
> --

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