On  9. Aug 21 22:51, Frank Altpeter wrote:
> This doesn't mean that the code itself will vanish, but I'm going to shut
> down the related mailing lists centerim-devel (7 emails in 2019, 8 in
> 2020, 0 in 2021) and centerim-users (no traffic since 01/2017), as well as
> the wiki on www.centerim.org and the download directory.
> CenterIM 4 is dead for more than 10 years now and CenterIM 5 is hosted on
> github (https://github.com/petrpavlu/centerim5) as I just learned, so
> nothing important gets lost.

This GitHub location was created some time ago by me to have a mirror of the
CenterIM 5 repository and to be able to use Travis CI for automated testing.
The project page for CenterIM remained at centerim.org and is linked from the
GitHub page.

I'm not sure if someone from the community is willing to take over the hosting
but as I am myself not able to do so, my general thinking was to use services
provided by GitHub. It can be under this mentioned location or a GitHub
organization could be set up for the project.

> I really enjoyed being part of this community, but since it looks that
> there's almost no one left, I think it's time to move on.
> Well, at least for me.

Thank you again for running the CenterIM infrastructure for so long!

Best regards,

Centerim-devel mailing list

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