On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Alain Reguera Delgado
> Text by default do. This behaviour is for codes only, those texts
> inside {{{ }}} and ` ` wiki code. We can change this behaviour in
> almost any place. Note that in print version the codes are wrapped. Do
> you'd like to see codes wrapped in standard wiki view too ? is that
> what you mean ?

Yes, that is what I mean. It is just my personal preference. What
there any special reasoning why text inside {{{ }}} and ` ` was not
wrapped upto now ?


Tim Verhoeven - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 0479 / 88 11 83

Hoping the problem magically goes away by ignoring it is the
"microsoft approach to programming" and should never be allowed.
(Linus Torvalds)
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