On 11/07/2008, Filipe Brandenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This content today exists here:
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/I_need_the_Kernel_Source#head-a8dae925eec15786df9f6f8c918eff16bf67be0d

By all means refer to it but please do not modify it.

I would suggest creating these two:
> 1) http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/RebuildSRPM
> -> what SRPMs are, how to download them, how to install them, how to
> rebuild them
> -> link to the other page on how to set up your rpm-build environment

What "other page"?

2) http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/SetupRpmBuildEnvironment
> -> install "rpm-build" package with yum
> -> set up ~/.rpmmacros
> -> tips on packages that are usually needed when building rpms
> (*-devel, gcc, make, etc.)


Once those pages are done, the page on "building the kernel" may refer
> to that one for the generic instructions on how to set up rpm building
> environment.


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