On 06/10/2008, Ralph Angenendt
> ... which will hopefully be the last part.
> Sorry that it took that long, but I didn't have too much time on my
> hands over the last two months or so.


And even more important: Who wanted to be on the Editorial Team? Being
> on it means that you are supposed to subscribe to *all* pages on the
> wiki (meaning that you'll get a changelog diff for all changed pages via
> mail). And it means that you should at least skim through those diffs to
> see if there is a violation of the wiki guidelines (or if some spammer
> still does his spamruns manually). So please raise your hands *NOW*.

Hand re-raised. (By this pedantic Englishman. There's many a spelling &
punctuation error in existence that I could correct when passing by a page .
. .  :-D )

My referees/application supporters: Akemi Yagi (toracat) and Phil Perry (Ned

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