R P Herrold wrote:
> Two possible entries come to mind as welcome in a CentOS 
> context:
>       1. Don't
>       2. Package it

Or get it from somewhere where it is packaged ...

> If a 'unknown' person wants posting authorization, I think it 
> is probably a good idea to submit a proposed sample along with 
> the request

At the moment - yes. In the future - no. 

> We are only building a corpus subject to entropy (aka 
> 'webrot') by writing 'CentOS' versions of explanations of 
> common topics; IF, and really, only if the CentOS solution is 
> somehow undocumented in the existing materials, 

That topic really comes up too often, so I really do see some sort of
need for it to be documented somewhere where you can point people at. 



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