On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Phil Schaffner <p.r.schaff...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Created a new HowTo on running your own local mirror:
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreateLocalMirror
> Comments and (constructive :-) criticism are invited.

Good work, Phil.  <- constructive note.

You might want to add 'lftp' as an alternative method to rsync.  I
have been using lftp because rsync at work is capped at a miserably
low speed.  Also, there are more http / ftp sites available than rsync

It is also a one-liner.  For example:

lftp -e 'open http://<some.site>/centos/ && mirror -c --delete  5.3 && exit'

will mirror the whole 5.3 under the remote centos/ directory.

Regarding the baseurl=file:/ line in the .repo file, I always thought
it required three slashes.  I now realize that a single slash is all
you need. :)

Thanks for the useful article.

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